To put some context to this blog, I was raised as an only child. As a result, I considered everyone to be at my "beck and call." (Should you wish to verify the use of this phrase, check it out at the Word Detective.) Such an attitude creates angst both for the "attituder" and the "attitudee." Knowing this, I have made measurable strides as an adult extending myself to others and learning to follow the Apostle Paul's admonition to the Philippians, "do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others" (Philippians 2:4, NASB). Yet the struggle remains!
Reading a blog entry this morning reminded me of the importance of self-sacrifice and love in relationships. Here's a sample:
"We decided a while back that the best scenario would be a home environment and as Bill and Janet’s home is not wheelchair accessible we extended an invitation to them to come and stay with us until other arrangements could be made. Janet is staying in our guest room upstairs and Bill is staying in our office which is now a bedroom for him and it has a full bath attached which is convenient. It seems to us that the Lord, once again, provided this home for us for more reasons than we knew at the time."How many of us would sacrifice our new home, and all its amenities, for the benefit of someone else? In a day of selfish ambition, it is refreshing to find some who still practice the Golden Rule. These folks are the real DifferenceMakers in our society.
Perhaps you know of others who are making a difference at "street level." Share them so DifferenceMakers can publish their contribution.
Happy 4th of July, and spend some time remembering the DifferenceMakers who made this great nation possible.
Always make a difference!