I believe in being pro-choice.
- I like having a choice in cars.
- I enjoy the choice of neighborhoods from which I may pick a home.
- I love the choice that supermarkets offer in food and other household items.
- Having a choice of restaurants, clothing stores, building supply outlets, etc. makes a community more appealing and diverse.
Some would have us believe that pro-choice only relates to abortion. I submit that once conception occurs, the choice for the partners ends. Their choice was during foreplay, and, ultimately, copulation. Once the egg is fertilized it is an individual; a human life. Rather than being a "product of conception," as some affirm, the embryo contains the full genetic information of a distinct human being; 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 chromosomes from the father. When the embryo implants itself in the wall of the uterus, the viability and existence of that life lies purely in the hands of God, and should not be subject to whims of human intervention. This little human being, when aborted, is never given a choice! She or he becomes a fatality; the result of an irreversible choice.
Abortion is not a matter of choice. Chastity vs. wanton behavior is! Self-control vs. licentiousness also demands a choice. Once a choice is made, the only thing that remains is the consequence. And, as a wise man once said, "You can choose your choices, but you cannot choose the consequences of your choices."
Difference Makers must confront the errant doctrine of postmodern politics. Refuse to accept the redefinition of our culture to accommodate those unwilling to live within the boundaries of disciplined choices. Let's be pro-choice in the manner our Founding Fathers intended us to be!