Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Christmas, once esteemed to be a very special holiday, has become nothing less than a battlefield in the culture war. How sad that in this day of "tolerance" the enemies of the Christian faith must engage smear campaigns to achieve their goal of a Godless society. Witness the display in the Washington State Capitol.

No one denies that America provides each citizen the right to have and hold whatever they wish to believe. No one wishes to remove the freedom of speech/expression about those beliefs. What is essential, however, is using the age-old common courtesies that were learned in one's youth.

Perhaps that is where the dilemma lies. Without an unshakable moral foundation, such courtesies are only established by situational/cultural standards. As such, one's courtesies are determined by their own value system rather than by a paradigm of established right and wrong.

In a free society, saying "Merry Christmas" and displaying images of religious significance need not be viewed as threatening or incendiary. They do not attack, nor denigrate. Such images are merely intended to express one's devotion to their espoused belief system. In addition, they demonstrate hope, charity and faith.

On the other hand, expressions such as that displayed in the Capitol Building in Washington State are purely intended to be an attack by the atheists on God and all things religious. In no way was it symbolic or uplifting. The same could be said of groups that espouse racial hatred, anarchy and the like. Suppression of religious expression is clearly the goal.

The fact that the religious display was on the Capitol grounds clearly fits within the First Amendment's prohibition of the government to inhibit the free exercise of religion. In no way does a manger scene establish Christianity as the official state or national religion. In fact, were one to attend the sessions of the Washington State legislature, just the opposite would likely be evident.

Followers of Jesus Christ must rethink their approach to Christmas. It is not an "in your face" opportunity. Rather, it is an opportunity to demonstrate clearly the teaching of the Savior to a world in dire need of redemption and love. Don't make "Merry Christmas" a battle cry. Make it a genuine expression of your sincere interest in sharing Jesus with whomever you greet. Then follow it up with a tangible expression of His grace, mercy and love. Be creative!

This is how one can make a difference! Be different!

Merry Christmas from DifferenceMakers! Always make a difference!

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