Setbacks are part of progress. I would be hard pressed to list a project of any magnitude or value that didn’t have circumstances that hindered progress at one time or another.
My journey to better health, which began about seven weeks ago, has certainly seen its share of setbacks. Thankfully, however, my support network of family and friends have continued to bolster my commitment to not only finish the twelve weeks with RBL, but to continue the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life.
Rob has mentioned several times about the importance of proper nutrition and development of good eating habits. Over the past two weeks that has had to be my focus. The exercise routine has been “sidelined” as I heal from muscle spasms from sciatica. I was able to mow the lawn Saturday with minimal discomfort, so it’s back to the gym on Monday to kick-start my metabolism and continue toward my weight loss goal.
The RBL journey is providing a very practical and tangible example of what it takes to fulfill my commitment to live for Christ. No earthly struggle can compare to the inheritance awaiting me when Christ returns. In the same way, temporary physical aches and pains will not prevent my pursuit of a healthier life, which will allow me to enjoy God’s blessings here while I await His return or my home going.
Thanks again, Rob, for providing this opportunity and the encouragement you and Kristin are offering each day through your ministry at HIS Radio.
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