"I know that the seeds I sow I will harvest, because every action, good or bad, is always followed by an equal reaction. I will plant only good seeds this day." - Og Mandino
Readers of Difference Makers have probably noticed that I am a collector of quotations that can make a difference. One of the benefits of reading a lot, is the potential to pick the brain of one wiser than I, and utilize the "pickin's" as a source of bite-sized motivation. The quotation above is by Og Mandino. The principle, however, can be found in the Bible in Galatians chapter 6.
In my daily blog browsing, I came across a post in MLM Blog about a failed network marketing attempt called Gold Entertainment. Accompanying this post was a daring comment by one who "jumped ship" to try this new upstart that apparently was said to have the ability to fulfill all one's hopes and dreams. Sadly, the dreams were pipedreams, and the hopes were only wishes.
I admire the comment made on this post. It takes courage to admit when one is wrong. Well stated, Shane, and I am in agreement with your statements about the leadership of Passport LLC.
Now to the essence of my post . . . You will reap what you sow!
Many people look to network marketing as a way to do nothing and gain everything. The vast majority of MLM companies have sold themselves as an easy way to grow rich. As a result, many "get-rich-quickers" follow the pie in the sky only to be disappointed at best, and destroyed at worst.
Frankly, from my own experience, owning your own business is an easy way to go broke. The reason? It takes a genuine vision to make a business successful, regardless of the model used. Full Steam Ahead by Ken Blanchard and Jesse Stoner is a great reference manual for how to develop and maintain your vision.
Find a company that manifests the values important to you. Determine that, regardless of what others offer, you are committed for the long term. Your days of "business hopping" are over. Commit to your purpose, establish your values and develop a mental picture of where you want to be.
Difference Makers urges all those with entrepreneurial aspirations to stop sowing seeds of greed, and start sowing seeds of giving. There is a life principle that says that you must give away that which you want to obtain. Sow the seed of giving in your business and watch the return on your investment.
Sow only good seeds so that you may reap a good harvest!
Always make a difference!
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Could it be that someone is really interested in changing the perception of the masses regarding network marketing? Is it possible that a company has come along that has the interests of the industry at large at heart? MLM Blog has offered some very practical tips on how to evaluate both network marketing and professed MLM/Network Marketing companies.
How refreshing to see a company that isn't in the "numbers game." Who'd have thunk that you can make MLM work without the "curiosity" (i.e., deception) approach?
Kudos to Ty Tribble and Passport! Please take time to read Ty's most recent entry on MLM Blog. Here's someone who is making great efforts to make a difference in an industry that truly represents the entreprenuial spirit!
Always make a difference!
How refreshing to see a company that isn't in the "numbers game." Who'd have thunk that you can make MLM work without the "curiosity" (i.e., deception) approach?
Kudos to Ty Tribble and Passport! Please take time to read Ty's most recent entry on MLM Blog. Here's someone who is making great efforts to make a difference in an industry that truly represents the entreprenuial spirit!
Always make a difference!
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Truth in the Marketplace
Can one really know "the truth?" Are there absolutes that govern the affairs of this world? How can you claim to know "the truth" and yet remain tolerant of those with whom you disagree?
At the risk of brazen self promotion, I have begun another blog entitled Truth in the Marketplace. This blog has been in my mind and heart for some time. It will differ from Difference Makers in that the emphasis will be clearly spiritual in nature. Difference Makers will continue to address the motivational and inspirational topics that encourage readers to not merely live, but live to make a difference.
Truth in the Marketplace will offer readers this writers perspective on how to live the principles of the Christian faith "in the marketplace." The four ideals promoted in Truth are truth, excellence, justice and praiseworthiness. If those ideals are important to you, join in and contribute.
At the risk of brazen self promotion, I have begun another blog entitled Truth in the Marketplace. This blog has been in my mind and heart for some time. It will differ from Difference Makers in that the emphasis will be clearly spiritual in nature. Difference Makers will continue to address the motivational and inspirational topics that encourage readers to not merely live, but live to make a difference.
Truth in the Marketplace will offer readers this writers perspective on how to live the principles of the Christian faith "in the marketplace." The four ideals promoted in Truth are truth, excellence, justice and praiseworthiness. If those ideals are important to you, join in and contribute.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Sail On!
Perseverance in the face of difficulty is a trait to be desired. Our age seems to promote a "throw away" mentality. If the trials are too difficult, simply get rid of the problem.
It was once said, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." That statement might now be rendered, "When the going gets tough, the tough are already gone."
While reading a daily devotion from the book Streams in the Desert, I came across a poem by Joaquin Miller. I'll not speak for the quality of Mr. Miller's life or character. This poem, however, portrays well the quality of perseverance. It is based on the courageous determination of one Christopher Columbus:
Behind him lay the gray Azores,
Behind the gates of Hercules;
Before him not the ghost of shores,
Before him only shorless seas.
The good Mate said, "Now we must pray,
For lo! the very stars are gone.
Brave Admiral, speak, what shall I say?"
"Why say, 'Sail on! sail on! and on!
"My men grow mutinous day by day;
My men grow ghastly wan and weak!"
The stout Mate thought of home; a spray
Of salt wavewashed his swarthy cheek.
"What shall I say, brave Admiral, say,
If we sight naught but seas at dawn?"
"Why, you shall say at break of day,
'Sail on! sail on! sail on! and on!'"
They sailed. They sailed. Then spake the Mate;
"This mad sea shows its teeth tonight."
He curls his lip, he lies in wait,
With lifted teeth, as if to bite!
"Brave Admiral, say but one good word;
What shall we do when hope is gone?"
The words leapt like a leaping sword;
"Sail on! sail on! sail on! and on!"
Then, pale and worn, he kept his deck
And peered through darkness. Ah! that night
Of all dark nights! And then a speck --
A light! A light! A light! A light!
It grew, a starlit flag unfurled!
It grew to be Time's burst of dawn.
He gained a world; he gave that world
It's greatest lesson: "On! sail on!"
Ronald Reagan once said, "A leader, once convinced that a particular course of action is the right one, must... be undaunted when the going gets tough." Undaunted when the going gets tough! What a concept!
When choosing to make a difference, determine ahead of time that, regardless of the obstacles and/or trials, that you will finish the job! That's what Christopher Columbus did, and look at the result.
Always make a difference!
It was once said, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." That statement might now be rendered, "When the going gets tough, the tough are already gone."
While reading a daily devotion from the book Streams in the Desert, I came across a poem by Joaquin Miller. I'll not speak for the quality of Mr. Miller's life or character. This poem, however, portrays well the quality of perseverance. It is based on the courageous determination of one Christopher Columbus:
Behind him lay the gray Azores,
Behind the gates of Hercules;
Before him not the ghost of shores,
Before him only shorless seas.
The good Mate said, "Now we must pray,
For lo! the very stars are gone.
Brave Admiral, speak, what shall I say?"
"Why say, 'Sail on! sail on! and on!
"My men grow mutinous day by day;
My men grow ghastly wan and weak!"
The stout Mate thought of home; a spray
Of salt wavewashed his swarthy cheek.
"What shall I say, brave Admiral, say,
If we sight naught but seas at dawn?"
"Why, you shall say at break of day,
'Sail on! sail on! sail on! and on!'"
They sailed. They sailed. Then spake the Mate;
"This mad sea shows its teeth tonight."
He curls his lip, he lies in wait,
With lifted teeth, as if to bite!
"Brave Admiral, say but one good word;
What shall we do when hope is gone?"
The words leapt like a leaping sword;
"Sail on! sail on! sail on! and on!"
Then, pale and worn, he kept his deck
And peered through darkness. Ah! that night
Of all dark nights! And then a speck --
A light! A light! A light! A light!
It grew, a starlit flag unfurled!
It grew to be Time's burst of dawn.
He gained a world; he gave that world
It's greatest lesson: "On! sail on!"
Ronald Reagan once said, "A leader, once convinced that a particular course of action is the right one, must... be undaunted when the going gets tough." Undaunted when the going gets tough! What a concept!
When choosing to make a difference, determine ahead of time that, regardless of the obstacles and/or trials, that you will finish the job! That's what Christopher Columbus did, and look at the result.
Always make a difference!
Thursday, March 10, 2005
The Way to Get Things Done!
The quality of initiative has served our nation well. How grateful I am that Thomas Edison took the initiative to invent the light bulb, Alexander Graham Bell, the telephone, and, more importantly, George Washington Carver, peanut butter. Men like Franklin, Jefferson, Hancock, and others, initiated this grand experiment we call America. Women like Florence Nightengale, Susan B. Anthony and Mother Theresa significantly impacted our world through a willingness to step out in the face of potential failure.
Francis of Assisi best captured the essence of initative when he said, "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." Zig Ziglar adds, "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."
Tonight I reviewed the first contribution of my son to the blogging world. His blog is titled The Most Widely Read Blog on the Internet! What I admire most about his blog is not the content, but the courage. His initiative shows courage by being willing to begin doing what is necessary. It is far easier to sit back and complain, or leave the "hard work" to someone else. No doubt he will face discouraging times and feel like no one really cares about his interests. Just remember, "More powerful than the will to win is the courage to begin."
Why not get started! It doesn't matter what you do. If you have a dream, sail on!
Your journey begins with the first step. Marquise du Deffand once wrote, "The distance is nothing; it's only the first step that is difficult." Take that first step . . . and make a difference!
Always make a difference!!
P.S. Great job, bud! Looking forward to your continued success.
Francis of Assisi best captured the essence of initative when he said, "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." Zig Ziglar adds, "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."
Tonight I reviewed the first contribution of my son to the blogging world. His blog is titled The Most Widely Read Blog on the Internet! What I admire most about his blog is not the content, but the courage. His initiative shows courage by being willing to begin doing what is necessary. It is far easier to sit back and complain, or leave the "hard work" to someone else. No doubt he will face discouraging times and feel like no one really cares about his interests. Just remember, "More powerful than the will to win is the courage to begin."
Why not get started! It doesn't matter what you do. If you have a dream, sail on!
Your journey begins with the first step. Marquise du Deffand once wrote, "The distance is nothing; it's only the first step that is difficult." Take that first step . . . and make a difference!
Always make a difference!!
P.S. Great job, bud! Looking forward to your continued success.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
The Sprit of Industry
While I have chosen to limit my involvement in any homebased business for the time, I am a firm believer that the concept, whether a cottage industry or some form of direct sales, is rooted in the moral fabric of our nation. The proverbial butcher, baker and candlestick maker all supported their homes with the spirit of industry and fair trade. What's more, they passed their industrious spirit on to the generations to follow by involving them in their business, or arranging for them to participate in apprenticeships with other "homebased" businesses, like the cooper or the blacksmith, etc.
Sadly our culture has largely become one of entitlements, and the spirit of industry has fallen on hard times. Our society is being "trained" by various forms of electronic media and growing soft and pleasure driven.
Over the past 30 years, I have been involved in a number of businesses that are defined as multilevel or network driven. Each one had the concept of industry at its core. Unfortunately, greed became a driving force in a few and the result has been an inverted Robin Hood effect (i.e., "robbing" from the poor and giving to the rich). As evidence I offer my current debt load that grew largely as the result of a blind adherence to principles that ran counter to my gut.
About a year ago I came across a homebased business that seemed to offer something different in the networking business genre. Since I have committed my life to making a difference, I determined to check it out.
Everything I surmised was indeed true. This business WAS interested in making a difference! The products were priced fairly and of superior quality. The marketing plan offered a number of channels through which a fledgling entrepreneur could launch a business and make money immediately. The leadership understood what the average person, who had aspirations of a better life, needed to succeed.
Along the way I grew a little disillusioned because the tone became both defensive and offensive against other such businesses. In my humble opinion, the hyperbole on both sides served only to alienate, and affirmed the preconceived notions some had about such businesses. Professionalism was lost in the tit for tat, and neither side emerged the winner.
The good news, however, is that it would appear that such demeaning activities have ceased and the company for which I have great respect HAS emerged with a renewed vision and a determined leadership. Such is evidenced in a blog on MLM Today. I invite readers of Difference Makers to check out this blog written by Dave Stone. It is my opinion that this company is determined to make a difference in an industry that offers everyone a true opportunity.
Remember, always make a difference!
Sadly our culture has largely become one of entitlements, and the spirit of industry has fallen on hard times. Our society is being "trained" by various forms of electronic media and growing soft and pleasure driven.
Over the past 30 years, I have been involved in a number of businesses that are defined as multilevel or network driven. Each one had the concept of industry at its core. Unfortunately, greed became a driving force in a few and the result has been an inverted Robin Hood effect (i.e., "robbing" from the poor and giving to the rich). As evidence I offer my current debt load that grew largely as the result of a blind adherence to principles that ran counter to my gut.
About a year ago I came across a homebased business that seemed to offer something different in the networking business genre. Since I have committed my life to making a difference, I determined to check it out.
Everything I surmised was indeed true. This business WAS interested in making a difference! The products were priced fairly and of superior quality. The marketing plan offered a number of channels through which a fledgling entrepreneur could launch a business and make money immediately. The leadership understood what the average person, who had aspirations of a better life, needed to succeed.
Along the way I grew a little disillusioned because the tone became both defensive and offensive against other such businesses. In my humble opinion, the hyperbole on both sides served only to alienate, and affirmed the preconceived notions some had about such businesses. Professionalism was lost in the tit for tat, and neither side emerged the winner.
The good news, however, is that it would appear that such demeaning activities have ceased and the company for which I have great respect HAS emerged with a renewed vision and a determined leadership. Such is evidenced in a blog on MLM Today. I invite readers of Difference Makers to check out this blog written by Dave Stone. It is my opinion that this company is determined to make a difference in an industry that offers everyone a true opportunity.
Remember, always make a difference!
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