Saturday, March 26, 2005

Reaping What We Sow

"I know that the seeds I sow I will harvest, because every action, good or bad, is always followed by an equal reaction. I will plant only good seeds this day." - Og Mandino

Readers of Difference Makers have probably noticed that I am a collector of quotations that can make a difference. One of the benefits of reading a lot, is the potential to pick the brain of one wiser than I, and utilize the "pickin's" as a source of bite-sized motivation. The quotation above is by Og Mandino. The principle, however, can be found in the Bible in Galatians chapter 6.

In my daily blog browsing, I came across a post in MLM Blog about a failed network marketing attempt called Gold Entertainment. Accompanying this post was a daring comment by one who "jumped ship" to try this new upstart that apparently was said to have the ability to fulfill all one's hopes and dreams. Sadly, the dreams were pipedreams, and the hopes were only wishes.

I admire the comment made on this post. It takes courage to admit when one is wrong. Well stated, Shane, and I am in agreement with your statements about the leadership of Passport LLC.

Now to the essence of my post . . . You will reap what you sow!

Many people look to network marketing as a way to do nothing and gain everything. The vast majority of MLM companies have sold themselves as an easy way to grow rich. As a result, many "get-rich-quickers" follow the pie in the sky only to be disappointed at best, and destroyed at worst.

Frankly, from my own experience, owning your own business is an easy way to go broke. The reason? It takes a genuine vision to make a business successful, regardless of the model used. Full Steam Ahead by Ken Blanchard and Jesse Stoner is a great reference manual for how to develop and maintain your vision.

Find a company that manifests the values important to you. Determine that, regardless of what others offer, you are committed for the long term. Your days of "business hopping" are over. Commit to your purpose, establish your values and develop a mental picture of where you want to be.

Difference Makers urges all those with entrepreneurial aspirations to stop sowing seeds of greed, and start sowing seeds of giving. There is a life principle that says that you must give away that which you want to obtain. Sow the seed of giving in your business and watch the return on your investment.

Sow only good seeds so that you may reap a good harvest!

Always make a difference!

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