Saturday, August 14, 2004

The Importance of Change

Once again my wife sent me material that will make a difference. Hope it makes a difference in your life.

Thanks, Sweetheart! Keep 'em comin'!

"If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results."
--Jack Dixon

Change is one of the constants of life. For most people, change presents life's greatest struggle. "We ain't never done it thataway before," is the clarion call of the mediocre masses.

One who refuses to change is destined for a life of frustration. It is never easy, but one thing is sure, you can't get different results from doing what you've always done.

During my association with a well-known business team, we were constantly told of the change we needed to make in order to be successful. The change always centered around a series of actions that involved participating in meetings, purchasing books and tapes, and attending functions. We were told that no one ever succeeded who did not take part in these activities. Needless to say, the vast majority of the huddled masses, while religiously following the prescribed actions, failed to reach the promoted pinnacle. Why, then, with all the emphasis on "change," was the hoped for success so elusive? I would submit it was due to the emphasis on results.

No one can deny that quality reading and association are critical to achieving goals. But, focusing on results, as is often done in the aforementioned functions, only serves to create a sense of unfulfilled anticipation. How many have placed the pictures around the house to promote "the dream," only to remove them in disgust or discouragement? How many have endured the endless presentations of opulence, only to leave with the hollow sense of non-accomplishment? A fixation on results helps to create a poor self-image when repeated failure is experienced. That, I submit is a primary reason that most people never succeed in the average home-based business.

Change is far more intrinsic than extrinsic. When suitable internal motivation is supplied, the drive toward achievement kicks in. Goals such as losing weight, stopping an annoying habit or improving one's financial circumstances require an inner passion for the needed changes to remain intact. The results become secondary, as they are the natural benefit of consistent performance.

As we work toward building our Passport business, there are many changes that must be made. Time management, sales skills, relationship building skills, computer skills, etc. Concentrate on the change you need to implement. Let the results come as a consequence of your commitment to change.


Always make a difference!

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