Saturday, November 12, 2005

Determination . . .

Phew!! This action stuff is hard work. But . . . I refuse to give up!

Too often difficulty has caused me to give in to my inherent weaknesses. Rather than confront my faint spirit, I rationalize and make excuses. Our pastor defines an excuse as "the skin of a reason, stuffed with a lie." How accurate!

Perseverance is a central quality in all who excel. Consider Thomas Edison, George Washington Carver, Abraham Lincoln, and more recently, Rosa Parks. All could have easily yielded to their limitations. Not one of them, however, was willing to cede his or her will to the apparent realities. Winston Churchill, though a poor student and lacking in athletic ability, became a master horseman and cavalry officer, and won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Go figure!

Determined to succeed in developing the habit of daily physical activity, I press on! My failure to follow the established schedule will not control my will. I will persevere and rein in this physical body.

Perhaps you face some habits that seem to have control of your life. Stand up and face them! Admit the REAL problem, confirm a genuine solution and press on!

Let's work together to always make a difference!

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