Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Stop the Madness!!

May I digress? Of course I can! This is my blog!

Am I the only one put off by the continued partisan sniping among politicians? While I personally hold to conservative political positions, by and large, I retain the right to listen and be objective when someone of a differing opinion speaks. Further, I refuse to whine, stomp my feet, hold my breath or perform any other sophomoric antic to try to get my way.

Politics, by nature, is partisan. I understand that. But being partisan doesn't require the destruction of those with whom I differ or oppose. That, however, is the current climate in American politics.

It has been said that the government is a mirror of the electorate. Arrgghhhh! That is one scary thought. Are we the people that hateful, condemning, and pessimistic? Do we seek ways to tear down the neighbors or associates with whom we have a disagreement? Have we become so prejudiced that we seek ways to personally discredit those whose positions differ from our own?

For the record, I do believe in absolutes. I live according to a Christian worldview. My worldview, without doubt, causes me to take a stand on issues involving morality, ethics and biblical values. That same worldview, however, also causes me to look at each issue through the eyes and the mind of Christ. Jesus urged his disciples to prove their Christianity to the world by their love for one another. What a striking contrast to our current state of affairs!

May I beg our elected officials to tone down the rhetoric and back off the destructive practices? I'm not looking for a "hugfest." Nor am I looking for a watering down of ones strongly held beliefs. What I am begging for is a civilized discussion; a reasoned debate.

Making a difference in our world doesn't result from always being right. It's the product of right principles, rightly applied. Let's be the promoters of making a difference in our political process. Let's be Americans first, partisans next.

Remember, always make a difference!

P.S. Thanks for allowing the digression!

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